Sunday, June 29, 2014

Tilly and her AMAZING art piece "Skeleton of a Frog"

Creativity + Generosity = Awesomeness  

I met Tilly last weekend at the Skeleton Park Arts Festival and we had a chance to chat a little about art, paintbrushes, skeletons and dance recitals.  It was a marvelous time all 'round and as we said goodbye I hoped that Tilly would keep her promise to me and continue to make pictures and use her imagination to create wonderful works of art.  She told me she would send something to me one day, and .... she DID!

I don't know if Tilly knew this before, or if maybe we just have one of those kindred spirit things goin' on, but it just so happens that frogs are my favourite creatures in the whole world! So when Tilly's mom sent me the photo of Skeleton of a Frog I was so excited!  I asked permission to share it with the world, and so ladies and gentlemen, I have.  Enjoy.  :)  

Keep your eyes open for Tilly's work - I can see her blossoming into a famous artist one day!

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