Thursday, September 24, 2015

Dia De Los Muertos party!

September is a busy month for me.  Always has been - I suppose many of us have the same experience being that September marks a shift from the lazy days of summer back into the routine of school and whether or not you're a student you can't help but get swept up into that energy which is all around.

Now that school is long past for me and even for my daughter I still find that smell of autumn triggers in me a desire for new routines, organizing papers, cracking open calendars and, oddly, the desire to fill my closet with crisp white shirts.  (That last one has never actually happened but still, I have the urge, okay?)

Today, for me, this time of year means a gearing up for Halloween and Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead.)  

I've been painting and creating some new things which I have on offer in my Etsy shop, Bones Nelson.

Bubble wands, gift bags, loot bags, fall baby clothes, adult raglan shirts with sugar skulls and new paintings, too.  

All available at Bones Nelson on Etsy.

Ornaments, too!  Every year I make a new set, this is the 4th year - check out which ones I still have available to buy here:  Ornaments

What are your favorite things to do at this time of year?  Have you any projects on the horizon?  Do you like to get organized?  Fill your closet with pressed button downs?  Tell me in the comments! 

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